Thursday, December 16, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

This year has been exciting, new, crazy, stressful, and fun! This year has taught me to live each day to the fullest with your loved ones and friends. Be helpful, be kind, share, say I love you even when you are mad, concentrate on things that matter, life is a ride, are you on it?!

We sure had a ride this year when Jacob got laid off from his pharmaceutical job in March, to finding another job two weeks later, that he would start in May. Severance and time Jacob had, so off I went to work and coached gymnastics like crazy. Private lessons, more hours, and Jacob ended up being "Mr. Mom". I missed my kids and the routine I had, but I was so grateful for Jacob in wanting to help out plus giving me a chance to work and feel what it was like to be the one working! The kids were able to have memories and time with their Dad that I was so grateful for. So, one door closes another one opens and Jacob is working for Pfizer as a pharmaceutical Rep in SLO!

We moved in July and listed our house for Sale in Clovis. Ellie started 2nd grade, the brothers started pre-school, I have a few minutes to myself 3 days a week, which is nice!

My laptop, realtor, and real estate attorney became my best friends and we were on a quest to sell our house "short sale" style which I am happy to say sold!

Tragedy struck friends, jobs were lost, lives were lost, accidents happened, and this is why 2011 can only bring new experiences and opportunities to share our love and friendship to all those in need. Service is truly contagious and the biggest service that was given to us was that Jesus Christ died for us. We hope you can remember this, this holiday season and let your light shine!

Merry Christmas,
Love The Dean's
Jacob, April, Ellie, Cooper & James


J. Dean said...

Great blog post Sugar! One of the many reasons why I love you always and forever. One of a kind and you're all mine. Lucky me:)!! Love, your Husband..

rαcheℓ sαrα said...

your kids r so beautiful April.