Tuesday, December 18, 2007

"Santa Claus is comin' to town!"

My grandma sent 2 santa outfits for Cooper & James! They wore them to our church x-mas party. They looked pretty dang cute. They were being so funny for the camera, I could barely hold the camera straight I was laughing so hard. Thanks Grandma! p.s. the pictures go Cooper, James, Cooper, James

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Janessa said...

Very CUTE! They are so good in front of the camera for you. You should have them wear that outfit for Christmas!:)

Aaron Smith said...

They are so cute. They sure do look like Santa's little helpers!


Amy said...

So cute! Love this age, they're so goofy!

Anonymous said...

They sure are handsome little men! My son Logan has been wanting a santa hat since he saw a friend of his wearing one! They look so cute! Have a merry christmas! :)

Zac and Kaylan said...

Oh my gosh! Those boys are so handsome! Love the outfits!

M and M said...

What cuties you have!! I love it when family sends you cute little outfits, especially ones you might not have bought on your own!!