I wish there was no red eye in this pic, but I snapped it fast! So, we officially have no cribs in our house!! Amazing! We put up the "Big Boy Beds" the other night, and of course, they love them!
Here is Ellie and cooper! Aren't they cute?! Kind of look alike in this pic, same smile:)
This is not the best pic but I still need to put up their chair rail and organize the toys, etc, but it is looking like a big boy room! They have been sleeping good and no more climbing out of their cribs!!! Yeah!
I just had to post this pic for fun. These girls Lia and Rachel are my babysitters! They live down the street and are awesome! It is so convenient, they have a pool, we have a tramp, life is good!
p.s. Cooper is wearing Ellie's headband
so fun! cute room.
hope to see you soon
CUTE! Wait- do your kids OWN any clothes? ps- the boys' room is adorable!
Love the beds and the room! I am not putting Haley in a bed until I know that she won't get up at 5 or 6 in the morning just because she can get out of it! She will be moving into the 3rd bedroom once the baby arrives and it is a porta-crib till she is old enough to sleep in a bed till a decent hour.
I love nuddy baby boys! Enjoy it while it lasts! I love and miss cribs but I never had two up at the same time. That would be interesting. :)
I am so glad you still use the pictures! I am always nervous whether people will actually use them or not. It is fun to see them out and about! Really cute beds and boys!
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