Tuesday, November 11, 2008


How do I make my blog private? I am getting a little anxious and wondering what the pros are of going private. If you have info regarding this please comment. I think I might venture and go private with my blog. How do I do it? 


Justin said...


Lifeisapitch said...

you could put on one of those life traffic feed things on your blog...then you can see who is reading it...you'll have to figure out who it is by their city, but you can probably figure it out. Like if someone from Miami reads it, and your aunt lives in Miami, you know that it was her that just read something....if someone comes on from China, and you don't know anyone from there, then you can tell some stranger is reading your blog....do that for a while and you can tell how many people are reading your blog, when, and where they are from....if it is just your normal friends and family, you have nothing to worry about. Good luck.


Sarah said...

Give me a call I'll walk you through it. You know the area code #626-3966 Talk soon, Sarah

Jaime said...

You just go into your settings and then click on "permissions" and yo have the option of only allowing people whom you choose to view. I had my blog private at first but my family got all confused and didn't bother with it so I made it public again. Maybe yours it more tech savvy then mine! (:

Amy said...

going private is nice because you know exactly who's looking at your family pictures.
it's not hard to do at all, look in settings, then permissions....

Fisher Family said...

I can help you do this...call me :)

kelly said...

I'd have to look around the blog to figure it out, I know I've seen it somewhere. If you go private you have to invite everyone to it, for me that's a pain, and I don't post private stuff, but I do think it would be kind of nice just to know who was viewing my blog.

Nan said...

Under settings there is an option to click that says only let invited people read the blog...after you pick that setting you have to invite the people you want to read the blog by entering email addresses...if that doesn't make sense just call or email me and I will go through it with you.
Nan Lemmon

Juliet said...

In the customize section of your blog, go to the "Settings" tab and then "Permissions". Select the option to only allow certain readers then add readers by entering email addresses. They will be sent an ivititation which they can accept. If they don't have a google account they will have to create one. Hope that helps!