Ok sorry Aunt Penni but I don't think I could live in Oregon! All this rain we have been having has only been a few days and I am needing a break. It is dark, cold and the kids are wanting to go on a bike ride right now! I would totally take them on one but it is coming down pretty good today. So I let the twins play in it and of course they had fun and then came in soaked and wanted hot chocolate and new clothes. The twins are now 3 1/2 and are slightly driving me a little crazy. They were good, now not so much. Why is it that they are angels when you are not trying to get anything done? The minute I start to do something, the whine, crying, and fighting begins!! Guess our kids just want our attention but so does my house and laundry! Ok so I think life will be better when it is spring. I love that time of year and it is the beginning of birthdays and almost summer! As for the shot of Ellie, any former Rising Star gymnasts reading this post will recognize the leotard!! It is my old one!! Yes, my mom kept some of my old stuff and now Ellie has a sack full. Not only has she worn this leotard to gymnastics but she also has been wearing my old sweatshirt that says, "Rising Star gymnastics Carmel CA" with my name APRIL down the sleeve to school. She says she never takes it off at school and it is her favorite sweatshirt. Really?! I mean I guess I am really cool to her right now. She tells everyone it is my old stuff and she looks so cute in it! Confident shall we say?! I am glad she is so proud of her mom's old stuff . I have a pic of me on my living room floor doing the splits just like Ellie. I need to find it mom and then post it with this one!